Subject: BSDDIP-1.02 and NetBSD-1.0
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gerald C. Simmons <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/20/1995 07:47:18
I'm running NEtBSD-1.0 on a 486DX2-66 system w/ 16MB of RAM. I just tried
installing the bsddip-1.02. Installation went well enough, but when I tried
executing a modified chat script to dial out, I ran into trouble. First, when
dip executed a reset command to reset the modem , my system got a vm_pagefault
or something and dropped into the kernel debugger. I restarted the system and
commented out the reset. Dip got all the way down to dialing the number, then
crashed again, same way. Any Ideas?
Gerry Simmons