Subject: Re: PPP dies after 60 seconds
To: Zdenek Salvet <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/12/1995 12:28:34
According to Zdenek Salvet:
>I installed NetBSD 1.0 and configured its pppd2.1.1 for my ISP the same
>way as I configured my other computers (SunOS4.1.1, Linux and MS WIN).
>I dialed up the ISP's CISCO and the initial handshake went well and I could
>indeed use my ppp connection for 60 seconds after which it always died.
Have you tried turning the debugging on in the pppd? As a first guess
I would say that you have a handshake problem of some sort - either
you have still got xon/xoff on and you have not configured ppp to
ignore the appropriate characters (though, from memory ppp2.1.2 is
configured to ignore them by default). Or you have only half set up
the hardware handshaking.
Does your link drop just after an burst of network traffic? If it
does then you more than likely have a flow control problem.
Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
"It's fifteen hundred miles to Ankh-Morpork" he said. "We've got
three hundred and sixty three elephants, fifty carts of forage, the
monsoon's about to break and we're wearing ... we're wearing ... sort
of things, like glass, only dark... dark glass things on our eyes..."
- Terry Pratchett "Moving Pictures".