Subject: Re: Setting NetBSD 1.0 up as a PPP host, possible?
To: John Maier <>
From: Eric S. Hvozda <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/05/1995 12:36:56
On Tue, 05 Sep 95 09:46:00 PDT John Maier wrote:
> I've been using NetBSD as a SLIP server for about a year, I would like to
> either run PPP instead, or have it co-exsist with SLIP (if possible). Any
> pointers?
I use PPP on our machine that's connected to the net. Basically you need
to mark the tty of your choice with 'local' and make sure to use the
'modem' flag on pppd(8). That way you can dial but still properly exit
on hang up.
Also flow control can bite you in weird ways, make sure the modem and
pppd(8) agree on what's going on :-)
All of this is under 1.0pl6, YMMV....