Subject: Re: kernel build on may 15th freeze?
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Webmaster Jim <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/03/1995 21:48:27
On Sep 3, 9:59am, Allen Briggs wrote:
} > The first problem is, I have no sources for the May 15th freeze;
} > I am not daring enough to go to -current. When I was at 1.0, I
} Hmmm... I think you're up a creek without a paddle--unless you can find
} someone who happens to have sources from that era. The point of -current
} is to provide sources as soon as possible, and to maintain archives for
} ...
} BTW, what do you mean by "May 15th freeze?" The tar files for that (or
} the previous, since that's a Monday) week?
} -allen
There was a `snapshot' binary semi-release that cgd did for the i386
around that time, which has been called by some "1.0A". The various
binary tar.gz collections, as well as install floppy images are on Unfortunately, the source tar.gz files are not. I
upgraded my work machine to that `release' since it seemed fairly
stable and supports EIDE/LBA drives. Now it seems I'm really frozen
at that point until someone points me to the sources or a fuller
release is made.