Subject: sun-lamp ?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph P. Kukulies <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/30/1995 09:32:20
What is the site to sup NetBSD-current from? It looks that
sun-lamp being gone for some time already and I'm noticing
it now :-(.
Are there sup file templates somewhere?
--Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies
FreeBSD 2.0-BUILT-19950619 FreeBSD 2.0-BUILT-1995
0619 #1: Mon Jun 19 19:54:08 MET DST 1995 kuku@blues.physik.rwth-aachen.d
e:/usr/src/sys/compile/BLUESGUS i386