Subject: /etc/exports problem
To: (NetBSD/help Maillist) <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/10/1995 12:57:28
	I have two netgroups - MONO  & UNIT - I need to export with root
	acccess to the MONO machines, but not to the UNIT machines..

	so I tried

		/mono/home      -maproot=nobody UNIT
		/mono/home      -maproot=0:0    MONO

	no joy - mountd complains Can't change attributes for /mono/home.
	But if either MONO or UNIT is a machine name then all is sweetness
	and light. The two groups do not overlap.. - Am I doing something
	dumb here - or do other people get this behaviour too? (Or both? :)

		David (MIME)  +44 171 477 8186  {post,host}master   (abs)
Network Analyst, UCS, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB.
  --- Bite and I'll bite back until one of us lies dead and bleeding ---