Subject: Help setting up CVS?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Space Case <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/19/1995 05:51:27
I am having a bit of difficulty understanding how to set up and use CVS,
mainly due to lack of time to go over the docs with a fine-tooth comb and
do some experimenting.  I did manage to do a cvsinit, and do an import,
but the results are not what I expected (I wanted to add a single directory
and its contents, but everything in the directory I was in got added).

If someone could send me some tips for setting up and using CVS, I'd much
appreciate it.


Steven R. Allen -

Faith is the quality that enables you to eat blackberry jam on a picnic
without looking to see whether the seeds move.

The First Rule of Program Optimization:
	Don't do it.

The Second Rule of Program Optimization (for experts only!):
	Don't do it yet.
		-- Michael Jackson