Subject: Help: partially allocated inodes!
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arne Helme <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/09/1995 23:31:56
Since I run NetBSD-1.0/i386 on my notebook I have to shut it down
rather frequently. Although I use 'sync' and 'shutdown -h' it happens
quite often that the filesystem is corrupt (even when the machine has
not been moved physically) after a reboot. The power has not been
cycled until the halt message appeared and the disk was sync'ed.
'fsck' complains about partially allocated inodes, and bogus files
like the following one appears when the machine comes up again:
10 slp01147:~> ll /usr/local/bin/gsdj
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1152921504606847029 Nov 23 14:38 /usr/local/bin/gsdj
'fsck' does not detect these files later either, and as you probably
have guessed by now, interesting system failures occur now and then.
Except for this, all other system functions seems to be normal. I
don't think there is anything wrong with the disk itself. Similar
behaviour has also been observed on two of the Compaq notebooks we are
Any clues? Have I done something wrong during the installation phase
that could cause this?
The machine is an IBM Thinkpad 360CE with IDE disk and 20Mb of memory.
I run NetBSD-1.0/i386 with all the official patches applied.
-- Arne
| Arne Helme, |
| Inf/SPA, Univ. of Twente, Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands |
| PHONE: +31-53-893735, FAX: +31-53-333895, HOME: +31-53-326377 |
|,, "Die Stille ist Abstrakt" |