Subject: High round trip time from end-to-end of PPP link?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eric Hvozda <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/04/1995 08:13:51
We recently changed providers (Netcom never did get the POP installed since
December, Ugh!) and are now connected to the net via 28.8 PPP.  I have the
DTE locked in at 56700 and /var/log/local2 tells me it's really connecting
at about 21600 (dirty lines in Pgh, PA I guess).

At any rate I'm seeing about 200-240ms end-to-end of the PPP link.  This seems
*really* high to me.  I seem to remember seeing this with 14.4 PPP in
Washington DC.  I have set tcp_do_rfc1323 = 0 and it helped, and got me
down close to 200ms, but still that seems high.  Far as I know, all 
compression is turned on (It's a Practical Peripherals V.34 modem).

I'm at a loss of what to look at next.  From what's I've seen in the 
mailing lists, people are seeing about 100ms faster than what I am,
or am I just expecting too much?