Subject: BT 445s changover from AHA1542CF
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: James Lever <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/15/1995 08:56:48
ok I've recently made the change from the Adaptec 1542CF to the Buslogic 
BT-445s and new problems arise.

I can boot a kernel from the scsi.. mount the scsi when booted from floppy..
but I can't boot kernel from the scsi and then mount root from the scsi.

can anyone shed some light on this prob.

kernel loads
does usual probes and finds bt0 ...

bt0 at isa0 port 0x330-0x333 irq 11: version 3.3, async, parity, 32 mbxs
scsibus0 at bt0
bt0 targ 0 lun0:  <DEC     RZ25     (C) DEC0700> SCSI2 direct fixed
sd0 at scsibus0: 406MB, 1476 cyl, 9 head, 62 sec, 512 bytes/sec

goes a little further and..

biomask 4840 netmask 41a ttymask 1a
changing root device to sd0a

and hangs there.. stops .. wait for a while.. no more response..
let it sit there for an hour .. no response (like expected).

can anyone suggest why??

I have an AHA1542CF and if I put it back into the machine and boot the 
AHA kernel it works fine..


thanks for any help

James Lever
Prentice Centre, University of Queensland