Subject: Re[2]: Is there anybody who sells CD containing NetBSD?
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/25/1995 11:37:00
the moral of the story:

If you're distributing something, distribute the whole thing or 
make it very clear that you're not.  As it is, a statement that the
BSDisc contains "NetBSD 1.0" is FALSE; it contains a subset of NetBSD 1.0.


I agree with you. I personally think they should provide separate CDs for each 
of the platform, i.e. NetBSD-1.0 for i386, NetBSD-1.0 for Mac, NetBSD-1.0 for 
Sparc, etc. The InfoMagic should then change it to "NetBSD-1.0 for ...".  Can't 
you or other core team make them to change the title???
