Subject: Re: mosaic
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/24/1995 18:10:00
>I do not.  Ken Hornstein made that particular Mosaic.  I've not yet 
>upgraded to XFree 3.1, and don't really have much of a desire to do so at 
>the moment...However, if I do, I will build a Mosaic for such, and post 
>about it.

In case y'all are wondering, I tried building Motif 1.2.3 with X11R6, and I
ran into some hairy problems.  Otherwise I would have build Mosaic for
XFree 3.1.  If I get some free time, I'll try fixing those problems - otherwise
it won't come from me.  Sorry.
