Subject: Re: surfs up - need a board!
To: Brett Lymn <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/20/1994 22:12:25
On Wed, 21 Dec 1994 16:04:58 +1030 (CST) (Brett Lymn) wrote:
> I want to surf the internet so I need an electronic surfboard. I know
> about Mosaic but have heard that netscape is better. I have had a
> look on both and sun-lamp but could not find either
> Mosaic or netscape. So, can anyone tell me where to get a copy of
> netscape? I need a socks-ified version if that makes a difference.
A copy of Mosaic for NetBSD 1.0 (i386 and hp300) can be found on:
Jason R. Thorpe 758-2003
OJGSE NERO Project CSWest Room 5 737-5567
Shared Computing Environment Group
"Morality and law are merely conventions adopted out of mutual fear."
-- Plato