Subject: IIsi booting
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/20/1994 20:46:09
Hi Chris
Had very similar problem on my IIci. Others have had this
on their IIsi as well. Try netbsd10.patched from cray-ymp.
(Can't remember the exact address, but it is in the INSTALL
readme file that you should already have.)
I will be providing a full summary of my experiences on
macbsd-general soon, (i.e. afChristmas.)
S. Claesen e-mail:
Centre for Biological and Medical Systems Work: (071) 594 6223
The Sir Leon Bagrit Centre Home: (071) 232 0256
Imperial College Mobile: (0831) 358078
London SW7 2AZ.