Subject: IIsi will not boot on NetBSD
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Burns <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/17/1994 17:33:00
I've just tried installing netbsd on my IIsi with 17 meg ram and a partition of over 100 megs. When I start the boot application it goes though its count down then blanks the screen with a statement at teh top about assin[Dgnning 70000+ too[D bsd ... then the screen has a load of bars(about 80) start from the bottom and travel up th e[D[De screen to the top, then it just sits there with the bars on the screen [D.
I've written a post to you about a week ago at most, but am not sure as to weather it got out of the server I'm posting off of. This is just an insureance that it that. I'm very interested in getting bsd running on my IIsi and am waiting to hear any possable fixes to my problems here. I have ftp aba[Dilities and can download any files needed if that the case. I've also worked on UNIX for a few years now and have install a few UNIX OS on some SUN stations in the past. While far from a pro in UNIX I can find my way around so if getting into the minishell needs to be done I should be ok.
Chris Burns
PS Please reply to this mail address instead of the past posting address of