Subject: xfree 2.1.1
To: None <>
From: Achyutram Bhamidipaty <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/27/1994 22:44:18
Well I've been running xfree1-1.3 for a long time now, but I
just got a new video card and it looks like I'll have to
switch to the latest version. But this time I would like to
build the whole distribution from source.

Several months ago I saw stuff about this on some of the lists,
but I could not find anything in any of the list archives that
I looked at.

Any way, can someone please tell me where I can grab the source
distribution for xfree-2.1.1 ? I was tempted to grab the stuff
from but it seemed like it would be smarter to just
get the correct stuff.

Thanks for any info.  BTW, I'm runnig -0.9 so I really cannot use
the dynamically liked stuff that is on sun-lamp...
