Subject: Re: 7 points user's memo (was why XML?)
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From: =?UTF-8?B?UHJ6ZW15c8WCYXcgUGF3ZcWCY3p5aw==?= <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/02/2007 09:04:59
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On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 13:28:19 -0000 (GMT)
"Andrew Ball" <> wrote:

> This is just like in a meeting where ideas are proposed and then
> rejected.  It may /seem/ like no progress has been made, but in truth
> participants are in a subtly different position because everyone knows
> what was discussed and that can shape future thinking. In an effective
> meeting each participant has to understand that "no" can be a valid
> answer and (except in the rare extreme case) try to respect the
> consensus.


Not only the "participant has to" but "he does" understand. "No" has the
same meaning (sometimes positive) as "yes" (seometimes negative). I know

> I think the "in what format" has been asked and answered, although
> there's probably always room for discussion of potentially useful
> tools.
It wasn't. I haven't seen "top brass names" in the following
discussion. Everyone said aloud his opinion and that's all. Yeah, I
should noticed from the lack of any "decision" that "what is" will be

>   PP> I can create new WWW with NetBSD contents ina few days.  It's no
>     > problem as I designed and created numerous WWWs...
> I've given people a solid grounding in HTML in a one hour class and
> they've gone on to develop their own Web sites. It's a useful, but not
> exremely rare skill.  Being able to write effective copy is another
> useful skill.  The combination of those is probably more unusual, but
> teamwork can help there.

Writing WWW is a two skills' "art" - in HTML and layout. Or three if
you can conjure up HTML pages with the help of scripts written in
Bash or other scripting language (e.g. Rexx).

>   PP> For the last time I suggest you a change. No threat, but result
>     > of my discouragement.
> That's almost unreadable as English.  I /think/ you're saying that you
> made some suggestions, that were not meant as threats, but you fealt
> discouraged because your suggestions were not adopted.  Is that what
> you meant?

No, the accent is not on "suggestions" I've made but on the time: "for
the last time". In other words I declare that for the last time I
submit in the mailing list any idea of mine. And to alleviate the
utterance which could sound to many blasphemously :-), I added that "it
is not a threat" from my side that "I never ever open my mouth to
you" (it is a subtle joke, a self-irony), but my decision comes from my
disillusionment that so small we have achieved with the discussions so

>   PP> What about Great NetBSD Docu Division? What's that?
> It sounds like a (somewhat inflamatory) way of stating the obvious and
> inevitable fact that there will always be documentation that is an
> official part of the NetBSD project and unsupported (but still very
> useful and valued) third-party work.

I said it in earnest but with joking tinge. The division exists after
all. And I know that. Oh Lord, why inflamatory?! No one here has sense
of humor? Please...

>   PP> 1) "WWW Team" and "Wiki Team" will be "formally" elected (with
>     >    common sense on mind of course :-) ) with __member names
>     >    available to all__.
> I don't have a problem with this per se, but can't help thinking that
> it might actively discourage contributions.

I don't want to write to ephemeral "www team", but to names "with blood
and bones."

>   PP> 4) All hostilities between WWW and Wiki will stop immediately.
> Perhaps I've been living under a rock, but I wonder whether these
> "hostilities" exist outside your own imagination.

Jesus Christ! That's only a restatement of facts. When Zafar Aydogan
(wiki maintainer) wrotes the "documentation is a rot" what do you think
it is? An accolade?

>   PP> 5) Developers and programmers (or WWW Team) will determine weak
>     >    points in NetBSD Docs and will start to improve the
>     >    situation.
> That sounds like a good idea.

Uffff. At last. :-)

Thanks for your e-mail. You gave me a sparse occasion to write on
substance of my ideas.

Przemysław Pawełczyk <>

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