Subject: Re: 3.1 CVS tag question
To: Johnny Billquist <>
From: =?UTF-8?B?UHJ6ZW15c8WCYXcgUGF3ZcWCY3p5aw==?= <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/02/2007 07:47:05
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On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 14:25:59 +0200
Johnny Billquist <> wrote:

> Why the acid comments?

You don't know why?! Two ol'system users cannot find common ground in
such fundamental matter as release numbering and you asked me why the
vitriolic attitude? I should also mention in passing that AK-47 is
an excellent tool for resolving such disputes.

> People quite immediately stepped up to the plate and gave all the
> correct information anyone could ever ask for.

_Which_ correct information? That A is white, and B is black or vice

> I don't bother much with your gripes with documentation and whatnot,

That's why I squirted with acid. A few want, the other watch, gape or
have all the rest in the ass.

> Why don't you go and play with (and bother) the Linux people instead?
> You're obviously not happy with anything, and want everything done
> some other way (I feel like you want it done some way you've seen
> something else done, and I'm guessing you're looking at Linux, or
> something equally chaotic.)

As usuall, Ivory Tower Syndrome. But that's what is dealt under Red
Cross flag.

Mendeleyev Table is antithesis of chaos. But it also means that it has
to be taught! That every information in it is not obvious from first
look. Like NetBSD numbering, however efficient in details.

If you had more humor inside you would catch sight the funny side of
the picture (argue).


Przemysław Pawełczyk <>

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