Subject: Re: PROPOSAL: Indentation style and other nits
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 07/16/2005 23:19:12
On 2005.07.17 00:07:21 +0000, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
| On Sat, 16 Jul 2005, Rui Paulo wrote:
| >My proposal consists in:
| > * spaces for each level of indentation
| I wonder if there's some tool like pkgsrc/www/tidy or indent(1) for
| DocBook/XML, to make it easier to get to that style?
I wasn't able to tell tidy about this specific indentation. I normally
use Emacs + psgml.. but not everyone likes emacs.
-- Rui Paulo