Subject: Re: What's wrong with my docbook ?
To: Rui Paulo <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 05/31/2005 15:55:09
On Tue, 31 May 2005, Rui Paulo wrote:
> apparently, people at changed the location of some DTD and now
> I can't build anything docbook related.
> [xsltproc] index.xml -> index.html
> warning: failed to load external entity ""
> %sdocbook;
>          ^
> [...]
> As this been corrected in pkgsrc-current ? I'm using pkgsrc-2005Q1, but looks
> like we need a pullup, maybe.

Um, we had this the other day... do you have a CATALOG (or similar?) 
environment variable set? If so, try unsetting it and see what happens.
No external DTDs should be loaded...

  - Hubert

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