Subject: Re: NetBSD Guide linking
To: Jan Schaumann <>
From: Jason R. Fink <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 05/27/2003 10:22:18
> I think I would like that.  A disclaimer could contain the email address
> of the contact person for the relevant translation in progress.

Just to get the ball rolling, I have linked all
of the docs that pointed to mclink over to htdocs/guide.

Here are a few points I need to knockout and would like
some soundings on:

	- I would like the names and email addresses of
	  translators so I can put them by the translations.
	- I need to add a disclaimer about the translations being 
	  behind/in progress.
	- In the same disclaimer, I should also put a link in to
	  direct people to someone if they would like to do a translation
	  Jan should that be you or the list(s)?



Jason (Jay) R Fink