Subject: Re: Translation of NetBSD book (german->french)
To: Adrien Auzanneau <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 02/10/2003 17:24:31
> > We - a team of Unix-translators - have heard from the recently
> > published book "NetBSD 1.6 - Installieren, Konfigurieren,
> > Administrieren" ( This book has not
> > been translated yet and we are examining the feasability of a
> > French/English adaptation from that book.  To that purpose, we need
> > the comments and the input from the NetBSD community.

This is the first I have heard of it. 800+ pages seems very long and
sounds quite useful. (I'd be interested in buying a German version.)

Has anyone reviewed this book yet?

If anyone wants to write a review for please
let me know.

This is interesting to me, because I am also finishing up a getting
started with NetBSD book (which I will start handing out copies at my next
NetBSD course.)

   Jeremy C. Reed