Subject: [Netbsd-docs-ru] Re: The netbsd-docs-ru maillist
To: None <,>
From: Mike M. Volokhov <>
List: netbsd-docs-ru
Date: 03/28/2005 18:17:48
As you can see, my previous message was delayed for few hours. The
following reply from Jan explains this behavour. Thus just be bit
patient, please, while this would be fixed.
+---- Begin of forwarded message ----
|Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 09:24:41 -0500
|From: Jan Schaumann <>
|To: "Mike M. Volokhov" <>
|Subject: Re: mailing lists move
| "Mike M. Volokhov" <> wrote:
| > Hmm... I have sucessfully subscribed to netbsd-docs-ru@, but when trying
| > to post a message to the list (at 10:11) I haven't got my message yet
| > (at 12:25). Seems something goes wrong - 2 hours is too big delay.
| Your message was cought by the spam filters, which were triggered by the
| charset. I have to see how I can adjust the filters to allow traffic
| that is normal on this list, but would likely be spam on others.
+--- End of forwarded message ----