On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 5:01 PM Taylor R Campbell <
riastradh%netbsd.org@localhost> wrote:
> Can you please share the output of dmesg and the following gdb
> commands on the crash dump?
> (gdb) disas *(videoclose+0xbb)
> (gdb) print *(struct video_softc *)video_cd.cd_devs[0]->dv_private
> Can you share the disassembly of videoclose in your netbsd.4 kernel
> with `objdump -dr netbsd.4' (and selecting the relevant part)?
> Can you share what changes you have in your tree? And can you make
> sure you have a clean build? It looks like there might be mismatches
> between your netbsd.gdb, your netbsd.4.core, and the source code,
> which risks send everyone on wild goose chases if not resolved.
(I resend my last message because it was unreadable, sorry)
I don't have changes in NetBSD tree, I’m on the 10.0 branch, upgraded
with sysupgrade auto. Here is my /etc/release relevant part:
Build information:
Build date Fri Dec 6 20:38:43 UTC 2024
Built by
builder%localhost.NetBSD.org@localhost Build ID 202412081740Z
Because of the gdb output, I’m just clone the NetBSD src from github,
this is the git log output:
commit 313a9eb5b1b8b899e5611e78063c2949affc811d (HEAD -> netbsd-10, origin/netbsd-10)
Author: snj <snj%NetBSD.org@localhost>
Date: Fri Dec 6 20:38:43 2024 +0000
tickets 1024-1026
Some date and sizes:
/var/crash $ ls -l netbsd.4*
-rw------- 1 root wheel 2428478 Dec 9 13:02 netbsd.4
-rw------- 1 root wheel 583708184 Dec 9 13:02 netbsd.4.core
ls -l /netbsd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 29528376 Dec 9 12:48 /netbsd
I share ‘dmesg -M netbsd.4.core -N netbsd.4 > dmesg.txt’
then your suggested gdb commands,
I share the output in
https://pastebin.com/raw/wQL0uN0z .
The ‘objdump -dr netbsd.4’ all output:
netbsd.4: file format elf64-x86-64
>From ‘objdump -dr /netbsd’ I share the videoclose part