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toolchain/58896: gdb sometimes hangs on exit instead of killing inferior processes

>Number:         58896
>Category:       toolchain
>Synopsis:       gdb sometimes hangs on exit instead of killing inferior processes
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    toolchain-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Dec 12 11:10:00 +0000 2024
>Originator:     Martin Husemann
>Release:        NetBSD 10.99.12
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
System: NetBSD 10.99.12 NetBSD 10.99.12 (GENERIC) #251: Mon Nov 25 18:30:20 CET 2024 amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64

When exiting gdb while a child is running (and may have crashed, but did not
exit yet) it is supposed to say something like:

	Inferior 1 [process 3380] will be killed.

kill that process and exit. But often (however, I have not been able to
create a recipe to get into that state) it just hangs instead.
When that happens I stop the gdb process (^Z) and kill the primary gdb
process (kill -9 %1). This unlocks the process and all shuts down cleanly
(gdb notices its inferior is gone and terminates).


It often happend for me when playing with the gdb tui issue:

 > gdb gdb
 > run
 > tui enable
 (whach inner gdb crash)
 > quit
 (outer gdb won't exit)


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