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Re: kern/58666: panic: lock error: Reader / writer lock: rw_vector_enter,357: locking against myself

Hm, just a brief status report.

The machine wedged in "normal operation" which doesn't really
involve anything particularly "havy".  I think the trigger might
have been the daily run; we monitor with collectd, and the load
average increased to 5 and stayed at that (or higher) shortly
after daily started.  Later the load increased to 15, and at
the end CPU load increased significantly, but I suspect those
processes were stuck in "tstile".

Insight into what this might be and what to look for (e.g. via
ddb, but also via "normal" logged-in methods) would be much

(I'm still 500km away, so it's been rebooted now.)


- Håvard

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