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bin/58406: 'postinstall fix fontconfig' doesn't fix its problem

>Number:         58406
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       'postinstall fix fontconfig' doesn't fix its problem
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    bin-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jul 07 15:45:01 +0000 2024
>Originator:     Robert Whitlock
>Release:        NetBSD current from Jul 7, 2024
NetBSD thinkpad 10.99.11 NetBSD 10.99.11 (GENERIC) #1: Sun Jul  7 03:28:09 EDT 2024  rob@thinkpad:/usr/netbsd/current/build/generic/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC amd64
I upgraded a NetBSD-current install from a May 11, 2024 install to a Jul 7, 2024 install. 'postinstall check' complained about the 'obsolete' check and the 'fontconfig' check. 'postinstall fix' fixed the 'obsolete' check but not the 'fontconfig' check. Is this an error that needs to be fixed?

Also, the 'fontconfig' check instructed me to delete the "broken" 10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf file (why was this file considered broken? I never modified it) but that instruction is ambiguous because find(1) turns up a file with that file name in two directories, one in /etc/fonts/conf.d and the other in /etc/fonts/conf.avail. Should they both be deleted?
Running 'postinstall check' followed by 'postinstall fix fontconfig':

thinkpad# postinstall -s etc.tar.xz -s xetc.tar.xz check
Note: Creating temporary directory /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz
Note: Extracting files from etc.tar.xz
Note: Extracting files from xetc.tar.xz
Source directory: /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz
 (extracted from: etc.tar.xz xetc.tar.xz)
Target directory: /
atf check:
	(Checking for NetBSD.conf from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/etc/atf instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/external/bsd/atf/etc/atf)
	(Checking for atf-run.hooks from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/etc/atf instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/external/bsd/atf/dist/tools/sample)
autofsconfig check:
blocklist check:
bluetooth check:
catpages check:
ddbonpanic check:
defaults check:
	(Checking for pf.boot.conf from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/etc/defaults instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/usr.sbin/pf/etc/defaults)
dhcpcd check:
	(Checking for dhcpcd.conf from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/etc instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist/src)
dhcpcdrundir check:
envsys check:
fontconfig check:
	Broken fontconfig configuration found; please delete these files:
	[ 10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf]
gid check:
gpio check:
hosts check:
iscsi check:
makedev check:
	(Checking for MAKEDEV from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/dev instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0)
	(Checking for MAKEDEV.local from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/dev instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/etc)
manconf check:
motd check:
mtree check:
named check:
opensslcertsconf check:
opensslcertsrehash check:
pam check:
periodic check:
pf check:
	(Checking for pf.os from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/etc instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/dist/pf/etc)
ptyfsoldnodes check:
pwd_mkdb check:
rc check:
	(Checking for blocklistd from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/etc/rc.d instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/external/bsd/blocklist/etc/rc.d)
ssh check:
	(Checking for moduli from /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/etc instead of /tmp/_postinstall.18928.0/etc.tgz/crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist)
tcpdumpchroot check:
uid check:
varrwho check:
varshm check:
wscons check:
x11 check:
xkb check:
obsolete check:
postinstall checks passed: atf autofsconfig blocklist bluetooth catpages ddbonpanic defaults dhcpcd dhcpcdrundir envsys gid gpio hosts iscsi makedev manconf motd mtree named opensslcertsconf opensslcertsrehash pam periodic pf ptyfsoldnodes pwd_mkdb rc ssh tcpdumpchroot uid varrwho varshm wscons x11 xkb obsolete
postinstall checks failed: fontconfig
To fix, run:
    sh /usr/sbin/postinstall -s etc.tar.xz -s xetc.tar.xz -d / fix fontconfig
Note that this may overwrite local changes.
thinkpad# postinstall -s etc.tar.xz -s xetc.tar.xz fix fontconfig
Note: Creating temporary directory /tmp/_postinstall.23441.0/etc.tgz
Note: Extracting files from etc.tar.xz
Note: Extracting files from xetc.tar.xz
Source directory: /tmp/_postinstall.23441.0/etc.tgz
 (extracted from: etc.tar.xz xetc.tar.xz)
Target directory: /
fontconfig fix:
	Broken fontconfig configuration found; please delete these files:
	[ 10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf]
postinstall fixes passed:
postinstall fixes failed: fontconfig

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