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kern/58387: Adding vlan to bridge causes lockup

>Number:         58387
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       Adding vlan to bridge causes lockup
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jul 01 20:00:05 +0000 2024
>Originator:     John Klos
>Release:        NetBSD 10.0_STABLE
System: NetBSD 10.0_STABLE NetBSD 10.0_STABLE (GENERIC) #0: Thu Jun 27 05:26:35 UTC 2024 amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64
When adding a vlan interface to a bridge, things work as expected for a minute or two.
However, after a short time, the kernel locks up completely. Can't get in to kernel
debugger because USB stops working.
	<code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)>
vlan 108 vlanif bge1

ifconfig bridge0 create
ifconfig bridge0 up
ifconfig tap0 create
ifconfig tap0 up
brconfig bridge0 add vlan0 add tap0

It works for a very short amount of time (perhaps a minute or so).

savecore reported this:

Checking for core dump...
savecore: msgbuf magic incorrect (f000eef3f000eef3 != 63061)
savecore: reboot after panic: lock error: Mutex: mutex_vector_enter,548: locking against myself: lock 0xffffe77938557080 cpu 0 lwp 0xffffe779374eb480
savecore: system went down at Mon Jul  1 19:10:43 2024

savecore: /var/crash/bounds: No such file or directory
savecore: writing compressed core to /var/crash/netbsd.0.core.gz
savecore: writing compressed kernel to /var/crash/netbsd.0.gz

(ungzipped) netbsd.0 was only 2420857 bytes in size, which is clearly incorrect (/netbsd is 29513568). Also:

dmesg -M netbsd.0.core -N netbsd.0
dmesg: kvm_nlist: bad namelist

dmesg -M netbsd.0.core -N /netbsd
dmesg: magic number incorrect



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