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install/58363: Moving files from one set to another breaks future obsoletion

>Number:         58363
>Category:       install
>Synopsis:       Moving files from one set to another breaks future obsoletion
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    install-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jun 23 21:10:00 +0000 2024
>Originator:     Taylor R Campbell
The NetBSDebughtml32 Obsoletion
Several problems:

1. We moved obsolete entries from man to manhtml, like these from the BIND update earlier this year:

./usr/share/man/html8/dnssec-dsfromkey.html    man-obsolete            obsolete
./usr/share/man/html8/dnssec-importkey.html    man-obsolete            obsolete
./usr/share/man/html8/dnssec-keyfromlabel.html man-obsolete            obsolete
./usr/share/man/html8/dnssec-keygen.html       man-obsolete            obsolete
./usr/share/man/html8/dnssec-revoke.html       man-obsolete            obsolete
./usr/share/man/html8/dnssec-settime.html      man-obsolete            obsolete
./usr/share/man/html8/dnssec-signzone.html     man-obsolete            obsolete
./usr/share/man/html8/dnssec-verify.html       man-obsolete            obsolete

   Users who have the man set installed with MKMANHTML=yes, but not manhtml, will miss these obsoletions on postinstall, and will retain the old files.

2. We moved some current entries from man to manhtml, like viac7temp.html:

--- a/distrib/sets/lists/man/mi
+++ b/distrib/sets/lists/man/mi
-./usr/share/man/html4/i386/viac7temp.html      man-sys-htmlman         html
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/sets/lists/manhtml/mi
+./usr/share/man/html4/i386/viac7temp.html      man-sys-htmlman         html

   Later, i386/viac7temp.html was obsoleted in favour of x86/viac7temp.html:

--- a/distrib/sets/lists/manhtml/mi
+++ b/distrib/sets/lists/manhtml/mi
-./usr/share/man/html4/i386/viac7temp.html      man-sys-htmlman         html
+./usr/share/man/html4/i386/viac7temp.html      man-obsolete            obsolete
+./usr/share/man/html4/x86/viac7temp.html       man-sys-htmlman         html

   Again, users who have the man set installed with MKMANHTML=yes, but not the manhtml set, will miss this obsoletion and wind up with the old i386/viac7temp.html alongside the new x86/viac7temp.html.

1. build with MKMANHTML=yes and install man set last year
2. build with MKMANHTML=yes and upgrade this year but don't install manhtml set
3. run postinstall
Yes, please!

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