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lib/58319: usr.bin/mklocale/Makefile misdefines NBCHAR_MAX

>Number:         58319
>Category:       lib
>Synopsis:       usr.bin/mklocale/Makefile misdefines NBCHAR_MAX
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    lib-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Jun 07 08:10:00 +0000 2024
>Originator:     Collin Funk
>Release:        NetBSD 10.0 and earlier

I was looking into a GNU findutils bug report that reported a Gnulib test failure [1]. The issue was that values set in the return value of localeconv() are not equal to CHAR_MAX on RISC-V where the 'char' type is unsigned. POSIX 2018 states [2]:

The members with type char are non-negative numbers, any of which can be {CHAR_MAX} to indicate that the value is not available in the current locale.

I am waiting for the reporter to respond with what platform they encountered this on, so I am not sure if this specific bug is on NetBSD. However, looking into the localeconv() on various platforms I found an incorrect definition in a Makefile.

In src/usr.bin/mklocale/Makefile line 18 CPPFLAGS has '-DNBCHAR_MAX=127'. I am not familiar with BSD Make but it seems this value is used to set the C locale localeconv cache in src/lib/libc/locale/global_locale.c line 127 - 140. In line 46 - 48:

#ifndef NBCHAR_MAX
#define NBCHAR_MAX (char)CHAR_MAX

This value is correct since on platforms where char is unsigned it will be 255 and not 127. If that Makefile defines NBCHAR_MAX when compiling libc then the value will be incorrect. Let me know if that explanation makes sense. I'm hoping that someone more familar with NetBSD's build system can help.

If someone has access to a NetBSD machine where 'char' is unsigned the following test will be helpful:

   $ git clone --depth=1
   $ cd gnulib
   $ ./gnulib-tool --create-testdir --single-configure --dir testdir1 localeconv
   $ cd testdir1
   $ ./configure
   $ make check

If you see:

   FAIL: test-localeconv

then the definition is probably incorrect.

I'll update once I hear from the bug report. However, I think that definition is incorrect anyways so I figured it was worth reporting.
I don't think the value defined in that Makefile is necessary. If possible, I would just trust CHAR_MAX.

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