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Re: xsrc/58133: X server crashes; radeon 5450; modesetting

Some observations:

The destination variable "ptr" comes from
r600_buffer_map_sync_with_rings() which seems to map a buffer (similar
to the crashes arount glamor_get_vbo_space()).

Stack frame #2 makes no sense:
#2  0x000073c6e4984742 in store_shader ()
    at /usr/xsrc/external/mit/MesaLib.old/dist/src/gallium/drivers/r600/r600_shader.c:209

204	/* Check if the bytecode has already been built. */
	if (!shader->shader.bc.bytecode) {
		r = r600_bytecode_build(&shader->shader.bc);
		if (r) {
			R600_ERR("building bytecode failed !\n");
209			goto error;

since line 209 is in a different function and there is no call to
store_shader() there.

And, after I gave a 'continue' command in gdb to let X crash, it
continued where it left off seemingly without issues...

I didn't check signal handers; maybe the other segvs are supposed to be
"repaired" like this one seems to have been? (just wildly speculating)

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