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install/57990: sysinst confusingly suggests user name and password for http set download

>Number:         57990
>Category:       install
>Synopsis:       sysinst confusingly suggests user name and password for http set download
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    install-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Mar 03 03:55:00 +0000 2024
>Originator:     Taylor R Campbell
>Release:        current (10.99.4)
The NetFTP Foundation
I selected HTTP to download sets, and I see:

 The following are the http site, directory, user, and password that will be
 used.  If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed.
 f: User                                ftp
 g: Password

This is confusing:

- http basic authentication (which is what I assume is done here if you set user/password to anything else) is a pretty obscure thing that is hardly ever used, not likely relevant to anyone hosting sets
- it's confusing for it to be called `ftp' when we're doing http
- in principle it appears there's no way to use http basic authentication with a username of `ftp' and an empty password, i.e., to fetch the URL http://ftp@whatever/... instead of http://whatever/...

Yes, please!

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