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Re: toolchain/57131: Cross compile from macos to aarch64

Hey, thanks for quick reply.
It does not look like any limits is reached. disc is good, memory is good and swap is no where near its limit.
Im suspecting it has to do with the MacOS Clang toolchain.
Tried to use HOST_CC=/opt/pkg/bin/clang & HOST_CXX=/opt/pkg/bin/clang++ but then ran into other issues, failed basic c building program (after installing it with pkgin on my mac) if i run ./ -U -u -O ../netbsd-build -j12 -m evbarm -a aarch64 release
several times, it fails on different spots, so it seems intermittent.
think you can close the bug.

if i find what caused it or if i get it to build ill reply here.

br Nicklas
On 2022-12-22 17:20, Martin Husemann wrote:
The following reply was made to PR toolchain/57131; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Martin Husemann <>
Subject: Re: toolchain/57131: Cross compile from macos to aarch64
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 17:16:35 +0100

  You are out of swap or the compiler ran into resource limits?

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