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Re: install/57100: NetBSD sysint seems to be riddled with bugs and memory corruption

On Sat, 10 Dec 2022 13:35:02 +0000 (UTC)
Martin Husemann <> wrote:

>  Btw.: you are abusing the system:

Why? I simply follow the workflow presented by sysint.

The first screen it presents, contains a list of NetBSD disklabel style
partitions. The only option is to set the size of the partitions. This
is bad design and makes little sense, because why would I set
only partition sizes, without knowing start/end sectors, file system
type, etc. The only way to get past this screen is to select
"x: Go on" option.

The second screen is now a proper partitioning workflow and I can
create different partition types, file system types, etc. So what I
want to do here, is remove all incorrectly auto-generated partitions and
create everything manually by hand. This is where issues happen.

So I would suggest this - maybe get rid of the first screen and have a
single screen with a single workflow, where partitions can be removed,
added, and modified correctly and free of bugs. This is how it is done
on other operating systems. Then it needs to perform correct checks and
notify if something is missing, like / or /boot partition, or swap. I
think the workflow needs complete redesign.

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