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kern/56738: ukbd(4): PMFE_AUDIO_VOLUME* event issue, Xorg KeyPress events ...

>Number:         56738
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       ukbd(4): PMFE_AUDIO_VOLUME* event issue, Xorg KeyPress events ...
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Mar 03 11:10:00 +0000 2022
>Originator:     Anthony Mallet
>Release:        9.99.91
NetBSD cactus 9.99.91 NetBSD 9.99.91 (CACTUS) #7: Sun Oct 17 18:33:59 CEST 2021  troot@cactus:/usr/obj/sys/arch/amd64/compile/CACTUS amd64

1/ It seems that the VOLUME_* keys on my sun type 6 USB keyboard don't generate any PMF event. Or I am not able to track them properly:
powerd -d doesn't reveal anything and remains silent, and audio volume is not changing either.

I wonder if the culprit is not here (ukbd.c rev. 1.112):

As I understand pmf_event_inject(9), the 'dev' argument should be NULL so that audio(4) can receive the event?

2/ Maybe this should be a separate PR, but with the related commit of ukbd.c rev. 1.120 that actually uses the PMF framework introduced in 1.112 for those VOLUME_* keys:

I don't receive any Xorg KeyPress event anymore for those keys (as expected). I've the feeling that removing the 'else' branch in
i.e. generating the PMF event and still registering the key event should allow both PMF and Xorg KeyPress to work.

3/ Is there a way to make this PMF event conditional? I want to avoid controlling my local audio with those keys and rather bind some custom script to the Xorg KeyPress event (or a powerd(8) hotkey event for that matter) to control my remote, connected HiFi power amp :)

PS: right now is telling me "Error parsing RCS output: kassert that we aren't overflowing the array.". Should I PR this?

1/ Plug a sun type 6/7 USB keyboard and try to mute audio.
2/ Try to catch and Xorg KeyPress event with e.g audio mute key.
3/ Try to write some custom script for powerd(8) bound to the audio mute key, and do not mess with local audio at all.


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