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toolchain/55668: can not build current on current
>Number: 55668
>Category: toolchain
>Synopsis: can not build current on current
>Confidential: no
>Severity: critical
>Priority: high
>Responsible: toolchain-manager
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Sep 17 19:30:00 +0000 2020
>Originator: Martin Husemann
>Release: NetBSD 9.99.73
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
System: NetBSD 9.99.73 NetBSD 9.99.73 (GENERIC) #418: Thu Sep 17 13:45:44 CEST 2020 amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64
On a -current machine with all gcc 9 userland I can not build
-current for evbearmv5 with HAVE_GCC=8 (not sure if the latter
part is relevant).
The build "hangs" with a bunch of nbawk busy looping processes,
called for processing some objdump output (or so it seems).
I see several instances like this:
10715 pts/0 I+ 0:00.00 | | | |-- sh
20776 pts/0 S+ 0:00.04 | | | | `-- /work/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_ dependall
26763 pts/0 I+ 0:00.00 | | | | `-- sh
25218 pts/0 S+ 0:00.04 | | | | `-- /work/tools/bin/nbmake realall
1673 pts/0 I+ 0:00.00 | | | | `-- sh
27693 pts/0 I+ 0:00.00 | | | | `-- sh
15262 pts/0 R+ 40:22.41 | | | | |-- /work/tools/bin/nbawk -f /work/tools/bin/nbawk
19130 pts/0 I+ 0:00.00 | | | | `-- /work/tools/bin/arm--netbsdelf-eabi-objdump --syms --reloc tmp.o (arm--netbsdelf-e)
19002 pts/0 I+ 0:00.00 | | | |-- sh
and this stays the same for hours (lost patience and kille the build).
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