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RE: kern/55198: When the video card is Intel Mobile 965GM Express, i915drmkms has error CPU pipe A FIFO underrun, also X freezes/hangs
Hi Izumi Tsutsui,
I could make X work after I added the "AccelMethod" "uxa" line to both of the two sections created on by X -configure (It didn't occurred me earlier to do that, sorry).
So I think the easiest fix would make "uxa" the default acceleration method on old chips as Intel 965GM.
Could you please in the meantime add a suggestion to fix this error on ""; page? I think the following text could be helpful to add right after the line "If the above test was successful, move the file into place as /etc/X11/xorg.conf and you are ready to go":
"If the test was not successful and your graphics card is an old Intel model, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, find all lines where "AccelMethod" is commented with a starting "#", remove the "#" on the beginning and add "uxa" in the end, so the lines will look like: "AccelMethod" "uxa". It is needed to find all lines because some computers have two video outputs."
But I have to point out this "uxa fix" only helps with X, it doesn't make the error boot messages go away.
Thank you very much,
João Paulo Vinha Bittar
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