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kern/54036: system hangs in RAM starvation

>Number:         54036
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       system hangs in RAM starvation
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Mar 03 07:20:00 +0000 2019
>Originator:     S.P.Zeidler
>Release:        NetBSD 8.0_STABLE
	The NetBSD Foundation
System: NetBSD 8.0_STABLE NetBSD 8.0_STABLE (FRANKLIN) #5: Wed Jan 30 06:56:54 UTC 2019 amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64
system pings, no other interaction except breaking into ddb is possible.
ddb says:
db{0}> ps /l
PID    LID S CPU     FLAGS       STRUCT LWP *               NAME WAIT
27876    1 3  11         0   fffffe8a57e246a0               cron flt_pmfail2
16220    1 3   2         0   fffffe8a57e24ac0               sshd flt_pmfail2
4575     1 3   3         0   fffffe8774c13460               sshd flt_pmfail2
16088    1 3   7         0   fffffe8774c13040               cron flt_noram5
17331    1 3   9         0   fffffe8a482d89c0               cron flt_pmfail2
1228     1 3   5         0   fffffe8bc7061320        xymonlaunch flt_noram5
24078    1 3   4         0   fffffe81900b7060               cron uvn_fp1
11898    1 3   7         0   fffffe8bc7061740               sshd flt_noram5
28813    1 3  12         0   fffffe818692e0c0               cron uvn_fp1
347      1 3   8         0   fffffe8535c4e9e0               sshd flt_pmfail2
27243    1 3   6         0   fffffe8157ee10e0               cron wait
9020     1 3   6         0   fffffe81f47498e0               sshd flt_pmfail2
15296    1 3  12         0   fffffe8b845bf940               cron wait
25198    1 3  11         0   fffffe8a20f806c0                 sh flt_noram5
10884    1 3  12         0   fffffe8b845bf520               cron wait
21241    1 3   0        80   fffffe896eaa79e0                awk pipe_rd
14535    1 3   0         0   fffffe82988a8080            envstat ciss_cmd
12143    1 3   0        80   fffffe82988a88c0                 sh wait
18295    1 3   0        80   fffffe8912aeaaa0                 sh pipe_rd
4373     1 3   4   1000000   fffffe86ddacf5e0             pickup plpg
27430    1 3   2         0   fffffe8c30898ae0                gpg uvn_fp1
9025     1 3  13         0   fffffe826fd235e0                gpg uvn_fp1
16139    1 3  15         0   fffffe8be6d86320                ssh uvn_fp1
3542     1 3   2        80   fffffe83add4c680               ttcp netio
22199    1 3   9        80   fffffe8962fcb620               ttcp netio
10428    1 3  15        80   fffffe82127fd520               dump pause
23778    1 3  15        80   fffffe82127fd100               dump pause
23842    1 3   0        80   fffffe81585f49a0               dump pipe_wr
3427     1 3   0        80   fffffe8c30134660               dump netio
329      1 3  10        80   fffffe857b7470e0                gpg pipe_wr
8239     1 3  11        80   fffffe857b747920                gpg pipe_wr
28917    1 3   6        80   fffffe83add4caa0               gzip pipe_wr
9418     1 3   4        80   fffffe83b1c78480               dump wait
22418    1 3  13        80   fffffe8c2fd79340                 sh wait
23497    1 3   4        80   fffffe85f60aa680                 sh wait
9193     1 3   3        80   fffffe896eaa75c0               sshd select
17220    1 3   0        80   fffffe8259a97320               sshd select
20551    1 3  10         0   fffffe8a482d85a0                ssh uvn_fp1
1765     1 3   0         0   fffffe86a2e09040                ssh uvn_fp1
6785     1 3   2        80   fffffe86ddacfa00                 sh wait
8154     1 3   2        80   fffffe83add4c260                 sh wait
27712    1 3   4        80   fffffe889cd99a40                 sh wait
26768    1 3   1         0   fffffe815865a9e0                ssh uvn_fp1
2474     1 3   4        80   fffffe826fd231c0                 sh wait
11331    1 3   3        80   fffffe8c309dd200                 sh wait
1957     1 3  14        80   fffffe8a20f802a0                 sh wait
15117    1 3  10        80   fffffe826fd23a00                 sh wait
9881     1 3   9        80   fffffe864607e5c0                 sh wait
22600    1 3   8        80   fffffe8535c4e1a0                 sh wait
8665     1 3   5        80   fffffe8774c13880                 sh wait
29979    1 3   0        80   fffffe857b747500               cron pipe_rd
20720    1 3  12        80   fffffe8b845bf100               tcsh ttyraw
15034    1 3  12        80   fffffe8a57e24280                 sh ttyraw
23287    1 3   0        80   fffffe889cd99200                 su wait
13904    1 3   0        80   fffffe8a482d8180                 sh wait
787      1 3  12        80   fffffe8bc7061b60                 sh ttyraw
2839     1 3   0        80   fffffe8835e42340                 su wait
29221    1 3   1        80   fffffe8835e42760                 sh wait
20340    1 3  15        80   fffffe8674cd6880                 sh ttyraw
18045    1 3   5        80   fffffe8962fcb200                 su wait
3359     1 3   4        80   fffffe86a2e09460               tcsh ttyraw
15116    1 3   5        80   fffffe86a2e09880               tcsh pause
15173    1 3  10        80   fffffe88b6d72440               tcsh ttyraw
17363    1 3  14        80   fffffe8912aea680               tcsh pause
13194    1 3  11        80   fffffe88b23dfa60               tcsh ttyraw
12756    1 3   3        80   fffffe889cd99620               tcsh pause
1155     1 3   0        80   fffffe8c2fd79760       screen-4.6.2 select
344      1 3   0         0   fffffe81900b78a0              getty uvn_fp1
591      1 3  11         0   fffffe82988a84a0               cron flt_noram5
605      1 3   0        80   fffffe8c30134240              inetd kqueue
785      1 3   5   1000000   fffffe8c308982a0               qmgr plpg
876      1 3   2   1000000   fffffe8311dc41c0             master socket
557      1 3   3         0   fffffe8912aea260               sshd flt_noram5
462      1 3   0        80   fffffe8912a7a640             powerd kqueue
502      1 3  10   1000000   fffffe8c30134a80               ntpd uvn_fp1
452      1 3   2        80   fffffe8912a7a220        xymonlaunch nanoslp
436      1 3   3        80   fffffe8c309dda40         blacklistd select
286     19 3  13        80   fffffe8311dc45e0              named kqueue
286     18 3  10        80   fffffe8311dc4a00              named parked
286     17 3   9        80   fffffe818207d1a0              named parked
286     16 3  15         0   fffffe818207d5c0              named plpg
286     15 3  10        80   fffffe818207d9e0              named parked
286     14 3  14        80   fffffe818fba7180              named parked
286     13 3   0        80   fffffe818fba75a0              named parked
286     12 3   4        80   fffffe818fba79c0              named parked
286     11 3  12        80   fffffe8c33dff160              named parked
286     10 3   8         0   fffffe8c33dff580              named uvn_fp1
286      9 3   3        80   fffffe8c33dff9a0              named parked
286      8 3  14        80   fffffe8b0ecf1140              named parked
286      7 3   5        80   fffffe8b0ecf1560              named parked
286      6 3   3        80   fffffe8b0ecf1980              named parked
286      5 3   2        80   fffffe81f47490a0              named parked
286      4 3   6        80   fffffe818692e4e0              named parked
286      3 3  11        80   fffffe818692e900              named parked
286      2 3  13        80   fffffe81f47494c0              named parked
286      1 3   0        80   fffffe815861b180              named sigwait
255      1 3  14         0   fffffe8191996120            syslogd uvn_fp1
231      1 3  11        80   fffffe81820cd920             dhcpcd wait
1        1 3   7        80   fffffe815867e000               init wait
0      186 3   9       200   fffffe8191996540              ipmi0 ipmi0
0      185 3  15       200   fffffe81820cd0e0             agrmon agrmon
0      184 3   0       200   fffffe81587ec020            physiod physiod
0      183 3   0       200   fffffe8158a29040           aiodoned aiodoned
0      182 3   0       200   fffffe8158a29460            ioflush syncer
0      181 3   0       200   fffffe8158a29880           pgdaemon livelock
0      178 3  13       200   fffffe815861b9c0               usb0 usbevt
0      177 3   3       200   fffffe81585f4160               usb2 usbevt
0      176 3  14       200   fffffe815861b5a0               usb1 usbevt
0      175 3  11       200   fffffe81587ec440               usb3 usbevt
0      174 3   7       200   fffffe81587ec860            npfgc-0 npfgccv
0      173 3  15       200   fffffe815867e420            rt_free rt_free
0      172 3   8       200   fffffe815867e840              unpgc unpgc
0      171 3  11       200   fffffe81585f4580    key_timehandler key_timehandler
0      170 3  15       200   fffffe81587b6360    icmp6_wqinput/1 icmp6_wqinput
0      169 3  14       200   fffffe81587b6780    icmp6_wqinput/1 icmp6_wqinput
0      168 3  13       200   fffffe81587b6ba0    icmp6_wqinput/1 icmp6_wqinput
0      167 3  12       200   fffffe81587a7340    icmp6_wqinput/1 icmp6_wqinput
0      166 3  11       200   fffffe81587a7760    icmp6_wqinput/1 icmp6_wqinput
0      165 3  10       200   fffffe81587a7b80    icmp6_wqinput/1 icmp6_wqinput
0      164 3   9       200   fffffe81587a0320    icmp6_wqinput/9 icmp6_wqinput
0      163 3   8       200   fffffe81587a0740    icmp6_wqinput/8 icmp6_wqinput
0      162 3   7       200   fffffe81587a0b60    icmp6_wqinput/7 icmp6_wqinput
0      161 3   6       200   fffffe8158791300    icmp6_wqinput/6 icmp6_wqinput
0      160 3   5       200   fffffe8158791720    icmp6_wqinput/5 icmp6_wqinput
0      159 3   4       200   fffffe8158791b40    icmp6_wqinput/4 icmp6_wqinput
0      158 3   3       200   fffffe81587c22e0    icmp6_wqinput/3 icmp6_wqinput
0      157 3   2       200   fffffe81587c2700    icmp6_wqinput/2 icmp6_wqinput
0      156 3   1       200   fffffe81587c2b20    icmp6_wqinput/1 icmp6_wqinput
0      155 3   0       200   fffffe815872b2c0    icmp6_wqinput/0 icmp6_wqinput
0      154 3   0       200   fffffe815872b6e0          nd6_timer nd6_timer
0      153 3  15       200   fffffe815872bb00    icmp_wqinput/15 icmp_wqinput
0      152 3  14       200   fffffe81586f42a0    icmp_wqinput/14 icmp_wqinput
0      151 3  13       200   fffffe81586f46c0    icmp_wqinput/13 icmp_wqinput
0      150 3  12       200   fffffe81586f4ae0    icmp_wqinput/12 icmp_wqinput
0      149 3  11       200   fffffe81586dd280    icmp_wqinput/11 icmp_wqinput
0      148 3  10       200   fffffe81586dd6a0    icmp_wqinput/10 icmp_wqinput
0      147 3   9       200   fffffe81586ddac0     icmp_wqinput/9 icmp_wqinput
0      146 3   8       200   fffffe81586de260     icmp_wqinput/8 icmp_wqinput
0      145 3   7       200   fffffe81586de680     icmp_wqinput/7 icmp_wqinput
0      144 3   6       200   fffffe81586deaa0     icmp_wqinput/6 icmp_wqinput
0      143 3   5       200   fffffe81586cf240     icmp_wqinput/5 icmp_wqinput
0      142 3   4       200   fffffe81586cf660     icmp_wqinput/4 icmp_wqinput
0      141 3   3       200   fffffe81586cfa80     icmp_wqinput/3 icmp_wqinput
0      140 3   2       200   fffffe81586c0220     icmp_wqinput/2 icmp_wqinput
0      139 3   1       200   fffffe81586c0640     icmp_wqinput/1 icmp_wqinput
0      138 3   0       200   fffffe81586c0a60     icmp_wqinput/0 icmp_wqinput
0      137 3  14       200   fffffe8158657200           rt_timer rt_timer
0      136 3   1       200   fffffe815865a5c0        vmem_rehash vmem_rehash
0      135 3   3       200   fffffe8158657620          coretemp7 coretemp7
0      134 3  10       200   fffffe8158657a40          coretemp6 coretemp6
0      133 3   8       200   fffffe81586301e0          coretemp5 coretemp5
0      132 3   7       200   fffffe8158630600          coretemp4 coretemp4
0      131 3  15       200   fffffe8158630a20          coretemp3 coretemp3
0      130 3   9       200   fffffe81586311c0          coretemp2 coretemp2
0      129 3  10       200   fffffe81586315e0          coretemp1 coretemp1
0      128 3  13       200   fffffe8158631a00          coretemp0 coretemp0
0      127 3   9       200   fffffe815865a1a0              ciss0 ciss0
0      118 3  14       200   fffffe8158507140               iic0 iicintr
0      117 3  15       200   fffffe8158507560            atabus5 atath
0      116 3  11       200   fffffe8158507980            atabus4 atath
0      115 3   0       200   fffffe81584c4120            atabus3 atath
0      114 3  12       200   fffffe81584c4540            atabus2 atath
0      113 3   0       200   fffffe81584c4960            atabus1 atath
0      112 3  11       200   fffffe8158427100            atabus0 atath
0      111 3  14       200   fffffe8158427520         usbtask-dr usbtsk
0      110 3  11       200   fffffe8158427940         usbtask-hc usbtsk
0      108 3  11       200   fffffe8157ee1500           scsibus0 sccomp
0      107 3   1       200   fffffe8157ee1920               ipmi ipmipoll
0      106 3  15       200   fffffe8157dd90c0           xcall/15 xcall
0      105 1  15       200   fffffe8157dd94e0         softser/15
0      104 1  15       200   fffffe8157dd9900         softclk/15
0      103 1  15       200   fffffe8157dfa0a0         softbio/15
0      102 1  15       200   fffffe8157dfa4c0         softnet/15
0    > 101 7  15       201   fffffe8157dfa8e0            idle/15
0      100 3  14       200   fffffe8157d89080           xcall/14 xcall
0       99 1  14       200   fffffe8157d894a0         softser/14
0       98 1  14       200   fffffe8157d898c0         softclk/14
0       97 1  14       200   fffffe8157daa060         softbio/14
0       96 1  14       200   fffffe8157daa480         softnet/14
0    >  95 7  14       201   fffffe8157daa8a0            idle/14
0       94 3  13       200   fffffe8157d31040           xcall/13 xcall
0       93 1  13       200   fffffe8157d31460         softser/13
0       92 1  13       200   fffffe8157d31880         softclk/13
0       91 1  13       200   fffffe8157d4a020         softbio/13
0       90 1  13       200   fffffe8157d4a440         softnet/13
0    >  89 7  13       201   fffffe8157d4a860            idle/13
0       88 3  12       200   fffffe8157cd9000           xcall/12 xcall
0       87 1  12       200   fffffe8157cd9420         softser/12
0       86 1  12       200   fffffe8157cd9840         softclk/12
0       85 1  12       200   fffffe8157cf2360         softbio/12
0       84 1  12       200   fffffe8157cf2780         softnet/12
0    >  83 7  12       201   fffffe8157cf2ba0            idle/12
0       82 3  11       200   fffffe8157c81340           xcall/11 xcall
0       81 1  11       200   fffffe8157c81760         softser/11
0       80 1  11       200   fffffe8157c81b80         softclk/11
0       79 1  11       200   fffffe8157c9a320         softbio/11
0       78 1  11       200   fffffe8157c9a740         softnet/11
0    >  77 7  11       201   fffffe8157c9ab60            idle/11
0       76 3  10       200   fffffe8157c31300           xcall/10 xcall
0       75 1  10       200   fffffe8157c31720         softser/10
0       74 1  10       200   fffffe8157c31b40         softclk/10
0       73 1  10       200   fffffe8157c422e0         softbio/10
0       72 1  10       200   fffffe8157c42700         softnet/10
0    >  71 7  10       201   fffffe8157c42b20            idle/10
0       70 3   9       200   fffffe8157bd92c0            xcall/9 xcall
0       69 1   9       200   fffffe8157bd96e0          softser/9
0       68 1   9       200   fffffe8157bd9b00          softclk/9
0       67 1   9       200   fffffe8157bea2a0          softbio/9
0       66 1   9       200   fffffe8157bea6c0          softnet/9
0    >  65 7   9       201   fffffe8157beaae0             idle/9
0       64 3   8       200   fffffe8157b81280            xcall/8 xcall
0       63 1   8       200   fffffe8157b816a0          softser/8
0       62 1   8       200   fffffe8157b81ac0          softclk/8
0       61 1   8       200   fffffe8157b92260          softbio/8
0       60 1   8       200   fffffe8157b92680          softnet/8
0    >  59 7   8       201   fffffe8157b92aa0             idle/8
0       58 3   7       200   fffffe8157b31240            xcall/7 xcall
0       57 1   7       200   fffffe8157b31660          softser/7
0       56 1   7       200   fffffe8157b31a80          softclk/7
0       55 1   7       200   fffffe8157b3a220          softbio/7
0       54 1   7       200   fffffe8157b3a640          softnet/7
0    >  53 7   7       201   fffffe8157b3aa60             idle/7
0       52 3   6       200   fffffe8157ad9200            xcall/6 xcall
0       51 1   6       200   fffffe8157ad9620          softser/6
0       50 1   6       200   fffffe8157ad9a40          softclk/6
0       49 1   6       200   fffffe8157ae21e0          softbio/6
0       48 1   6       200   fffffe8157ae2600          softnet/6
0    >  47 7   6       201   fffffe8157ae2a20             idle/6
0       46 3   5       200   fffffe8157a891c0            xcall/5 xcall
0       45 1   5       200   fffffe8157a895e0          softser/5
0       44 1   5       200   fffffe8157a89a00          softclk/5
0       43 1   5       200   fffffe8157a821a0          softbio/5
0       42 1   5       200   fffffe8157a825c0          softnet/5
0    >  41 7   5       201   fffffe8157a829e0             idle/5
0       40 3   4       200   fffffe8157a31180            xcall/4 xcall
0       39 1   4       200   fffffe8157a315a0          softser/4
0       38 1   4       200   fffffe8157a319c0          softclk/4
0       37 1   4       200   fffffe8157a2a160          softbio/4
0       36 1   4       200   fffffe8157a2a580          softnet/4
0    >  35 7   4       201   fffffe8157a2a9a0             idle/4
0       34 3   3       200   fffffe81579d9140            xcall/3 xcall
0       33 1   3       200   fffffe81579d9560          softser/3
0       32 1   3       200   fffffe81579d9980          softclk/3
0       31 1   3       200   fffffe81579d2120          softbio/3
0       30 1   3       200   fffffe81579d2540          softnet/3
0    >  29 7   3       201   fffffe81579d2960             idle/3
0       28 3   2       200   fffffe8157989100            xcall/2 xcall
0       27 1   2       200   fffffe8157989520          softser/2
0       26 1   2       200   fffffe8157989940          softclk/2
0       25 1   2       200   fffffe815797a0e0          softbio/2
0       24 1   2       200   fffffe815797a500          softnet/2
0    >  23 7   2       201   fffffe815797a920             idle/2
0       22 3   1       200   fffffe815793a0c0            xcall/1 xcall
0       21 1   1       200   fffffe815793a4e0          softser/1
0       20 1   1       200   fffffe815793a900          softclk/1
0       19 1   1       200   fffffe81579170a0          softbio/1
0       18 1   1       200   fffffe81579174c0          softnet/1
0    >  17 7   1       201   fffffe81579178e0             idle/1
0       16 3   0       200   fffffe8c345a9080           lnxsyswq lnxsyswq
0       15 3  11       200   fffffe8c345a94a0             sysmon smtaskq
0       14 3  15       200   fffffe8c345a98c0         pmfsuspend pmfsuspend
0       13 3   6       200   fffffe8c365bc060           pmfevent pmfevent
0       12 3   0       200   fffffe8c365bc480         sopendfree sopendfr
0       11 3  10       200   fffffe8c365bc8a0           nfssilly nfssilly
0       10 3  11       200   fffffe8c3c5e1040            cachegc cachegc
0        9 3  12       200   fffffe8c3c5e1460             vdrain vdrain
0        8 3   6       200   fffffe8c3c5e1880          modunload mod_unld
0        7 3   0       200   fffffe8c3c5f0020            xcall/0 xcall
0        6 1   0       200   fffffe8c3c5f0440          softser/0
0        5 3   0       200   fffffe8c3c5f0860          softclk/0 tstile
0        4 1   0       200   fffffe8c3c615000          softbio/0
0        3 1   0       200   fffffe8c3c615420          softnet/0
0    >   2 7   0       201   fffffe8c3c615840             idle/0
0        1 3   3       200   ffffffff80e38080            swapper uvm
db{0}> show uvmexp
Current UVM status:
  pagesize=4096 (0x1000), pagemask=0xfff, pageshift=12, ncolors=8
  12217743 VM pages: 7544421 active, 3629521 inactive, 2672 wired, 1 free
  pages  39682 anon, 11130252 file, 6680 exec
  freemin=4096, free-target=5461, wired-max=4072581
  resv-pg=1, resv-kernel=80, zeropages=1
    faults=647931110, traps=609904544, intrs=96975159, ctxswitch=512461218
    softint=1180102923, syscalls=2346237049
    faults=131085353, traps=124058789, intrs=164484458, ctxswitch=98155358
    softint=170520477, syscalls=428540379
    faults=120999314, traps=112827570, intrs=224832334, ctxswitch=91712328
    softint=225182426, syscalls=378134812
    faults=111384531, traps=105768382, intrs=203587703, ctxswitch=93342004
    softint=211663798, syscalls=409371888
    faults=75191805, traps=69246271, intrs=160494015, ctxswitch=91151425
    softint=164564259, syscalls=322404754
    faults=67474771, traps=62010105, intrs=150783651, ctxswitch=69549006
    softint=152817126, syscalls=215347786
    faults=77127954, traps=69514051, intrs=148937064, ctxswitch=81260149
    softint=151892079, syscalls=272830083
    faults=226844871, traps=212338728, intrs=1140172416, ctxswitch=175318867
    softint=1157899935, syscalls=1092653080
    faults=175467910, traps=169740548, intrs=91715496, ctxswitch=110416802
    softint=96618000, syscalls=436311492
    faults=70160398, traps=65200653, intrs=86833801, ctxswitch=67012059
    softint=86492803, syscalls=223763354
    faults=111846244, traps=105518664, intrs=0, ctxswitch=99360386
    softint=6658100, syscalls=307514637
    faults=81761425, traps=77033721, intrs=0, ctxswitch=73061061
    softint=5925661, syscalls=239964691
    faults=49407258, traps=45291649, intrs=0, ctxswitch=61287665
    softint=12817669, syscalls=191063974
    faults=69727014, traps=65286090, intrs=0, ctxswitch=66023740
    softint=3489686, syscalls=210936957
    faults=112615876, traps=106161667, intrs=0, ctxswitch=97285330
    softint=6223289, syscalls=371130546
    faults=162573524, traps=145509885, intrs=0, ctxswitch=160550401
    softint=22321112, syscalls=490065840
  fault counts:
    noram=112, noanon=0, pgwait=0, pgrele=0
    ok relocks(total)=1552205(1552213), anget(retrys)=190385683(0), amapcopy=90285755
    neighbor anon/obj pg=38721197/1231386720, gets(lock/unlock)=356622225/1552211
    cases: anon=177038911, anoncow=13346641, obj=259576916, prcopy=97054332, przero=691345119
  daemon and swap counts:
    woke=65889, revs=65882, scans=1442191948, obscans=1328029685, anscans=0
    busy=14855, freed=1328029685, reactivate=1203069, deactivate=1465300648
    pageouts=0, pending=0, nswget=0
    nswapdev=1, swpgavail=12580679
    swpages=12580679, swpginuse=0, swpgonly=0, paging=0

	The system hung while performing the monthly full backups.
	I'll know by tomorrow if that is systematic.

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