Number: 53301
Category: kern
Synopsis: msk0 device reports no link, when there is link on same laptop with Windows and Linux.
Confidential: no
Severity: serious
Priority: high
Responsible: kern-bug-people
State: open
Class: sw-bug
Submitter-Id: net
Arrival-Date: Sun May 20 13:50:00 +0000 2018
Originator: Chris Humphries
Release: 8.0_RC1
Samsung R580
root@localhost:~$ dmesg|grep msk
mskc0 at pci3 dev 0 function 0, Yukon (Unknown) (0x0): ioapic0 pin 19
msk0 at mskc0 port A: Ethernet address 00:24:54:b4:47:c3
ukphy0 at msk0 phy 0: OUI 0x000ac2, model 0x0026, rev. 0
NetBSD localhost 8.0_RC1 NetBSD 8.0_RC1 (GENERIC.201804191727Z) amd64
msk0 was not detected in 7.1 installation. I don't remember if it worked then even after reboot.
msk0 is now detected in 8.0_RC1 installation, but never gets link. This problem persists into reboot after installation.
The card doesn't seem to work in NetBSD and I have to use wireless instead.