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Re: port-amd64/53113: NetBSD_8.0_BETA/amd64 fails to boot.

21.03.2018, 23:18, "Manuel Bouyer" <>:
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 09:17:37PM +0530, Utkarsh Anand wrote:
>>  Aren't the daily builds build on NetBSD itself? I'm talking about cross builds
> Even when building NetBSD on NetBSD it is a cross-build.
Like, what? Because they have a different kernel?
> But as I said I build NetBSD on a linux host almost daily.
>>  (And I used those images as hard disks).
> This won't work. You have to use them as USB devices.
It worked. I mounted the newly installed system and changed wd1a in /etc/fstab to wd0a and didn't encounter any errors.
> --
> Manuel Bouyer <>
>      NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference
> --

So, turns out, my USB key has died. I dd'd the image on a new USB key. On my desktop, my keyboard is still not working, although I couldn't spot any errors with keyboard device (boot up process is fast). However, I still get the cnopen error. (Should I file a new bug for it?) Here's a screenshot:
According to this: it's related to the GPU. Although, mine is not pre-PCI. I have a GTX 1070. (When I was using NetBSD 7.1/7.99, I had an RX 460)
Meanwhile on my laptop:
1. The wifi driver works, but doesn't allow for 11n mode :( and it took a while to connect (at first, it wasn't connected, after 2 minutes, it acquired the ssid, after another two minutes `ping` started working and I was good to go). Also, this is the output of wpa_cli status:
Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: (nil)  error: Undefined error: 0
2. It doesn't detect ethernet card (which is quite the opposite of what generally happens, i.e. detecting ethernet but not wifi). Here's a list of pci devices:
3. Here's the dmesg output from my laptop, just in case:
4. On issuing `poweroff` or `reboot`, this is what happens:

So, should I report a separate bug for each of those errors?

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