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port-sparc/51516: kernel trap 34: mem address not aligned in pmap_page_protect

>Number:         51516
>Category:       port-sparc
>Synopsis:       kernel trap 34: mem address not aligned in pmap_page_protect
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    port-sparc-maintainer
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 28 14:05:00 +0000 2016
>Originator:     Manuel Bouyer
>Release:        NetBSD 7.0_STABLE as of Sep 25
System: NetBSD 7.0_STABLE NetBSD 7.0_STABLE (GENERIC_SUN4U) #0: Sun Sep 25 14:56:01 CEST 2016  bouyer@hop:/dsk/l1/misc/bouyer/tmp/sparc/obj/dsk/l1/misc/bouyer/netbsd-7/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/GENERIC_SUN4U sparc
Architecture: sparc
Machine: sparc
	While pbulk building pbulk-medium, the build stops in emacs24.
	First, in the build process a bootstrap-emacs process is stuck in
	what looks like an infinite loop in the kernel (top shows 100% CPU),
	related to pool(2):
db{0}> tr/t 0t11133
trace: pid 11133 lid 2 at 0x303c3a20
sleepq_block(0, 1, 5fdddf4, 0, 1ca6800, 5fddd20) at netbsd:sleepq_block+0xb8
sel_do_scan(0, 5fddd20, 1, 2, 1, 3a48e00) at netbsd:sel_do_scan+0x44c
pollcommon(16, 441c88, 1, 0, 0, 8) at netbsd:pollcommon+0xbc
sys_poll(5fddd20, 303c3de0, 303c3dd8, ad4000, 9cc, 1c632a4) at netbsd:sys_poll+0
syscall(303c3ed0, 303c3f58, fe1d52cc, 5fddd20, 0, fe1d52d0) at netbsd:syscall+0x
?(441c88, 1, ffffffff, ad4000, fd9bfda8, ad4000) at 1010d40

	Then, after killing -9 the process (a kill doesn't kill it),
	the system panics with (I guess while pbulk removes the build tree
	or cleans up depends):

login: trap type 0x34: cpu 0, pc=1415130 npc=1415134 pstate=0xffffffffff82000e<AM,PRIV,IE>
kernel trap 34: mem address not aligned
Stopped in pid 0.9 (system) at  netbsd:pmap_page_protect+0x250: ld              
%l5 + 0x8], %i4
db{0}> tr
genfs_do_putpages(3310230, 3310230, 7fffffff, ffffe000, 51d, 0) at netbsd:genfs_do_putpages+0xa10
genfs_putpages(31837868, 5c8c260, 5d85cc8, 31837cb0, 0, 0) at netbsd:genfs_putpages+0x24
VOP_PUTPAGES(5d82b28, 0, 0, 0, 0, a) at netbsd:VOP_PUTPAGES+0x44
uvm_vnp_setsize(5d82b28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) at netbsd:uvm_vnp_setsize+0x8c
ffs_truncate(5d82b28, 0, 0, 0, ffffffff, 0) at netbsd:ffs_truncate+0x574
ufs_truncate(5d82b28, ffffffff, 0, ffffffff, 3a5f5c0, 3da5000) at netbsd:ufs_truncate+0x1cc
ufs_inactive(0, 20012, 31837b7c, 3da5000, 5d85cc8, 5d82b28) at netbsd:ufs_inactive+0x1c8
VOP_INACTIVE(5d82b28, 31837bef, 4e5d7c0, 3a2d578, 31837bec, ffffffff) at netbsd: VOP_INACTIVE+0x2c
vrelel(5d82b28, 0, 4e5d7c0, 0, 5d82b3c, 1) at netbsd:vrelel+0x380
ufs_remove(0, 5c8c260, 5d85cc8, 31837cb0, 5d82b28, 5c93af8) at netbsd:ufs_remove+0xac
VOP_REMOVE(5c93af8, 5d82b28, 31837d50, 0, 0, 2) at netbsd:VOP_REMOVE+0x30
do_sys_unlinkat.isra.3(0, ff41a22c, 0, 0, 3daf400, 5d82b28) at netbsd:do_sys_unlinkat.isra.3+0x18c
syscall(31837ed0, 31837f48, ff7049f8, 4e5d7c0, 0, ff7049fc) at netbsd:syscall+0x380
?(ff41a22c, 0, 4, ff402050, ff41a1d0, ff41a1d0) at 1010d40

this is reproductible

	run pbulk with only pbulk-medium in the pkg list.
	Maybe building only emacs24 would be enough, I didn't try.


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