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bin/49307: df -t "no" file system exclusion problems

>Number:         49307
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       df -t does not work properly with multiple "no" file system exclusions
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    bin-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Oct 22 21:45:00 +0000 2014
>Release:        NetBSD 7.0_BETA
System: NetBSD xs2.lan 7.0_BETA NetBSD 7.0_BETA (GENERIC) #0: Sun Sep 28 15:31:00 PDT 2014 riz%xs2.lan@localhost:/build/amd64/obj/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64
	Using multiple "no"-style file system exclusions doesn't work.  Per the man
page, I would expect:

df -t nonull,noprocfs

to exclude all nullfs and all procfs file systems, but it only excludes the first in the list.

xs2:riz  ~> df -h -t nonull,noprocfs
Filesystem                                  Size       Used      Avail %Cap Mounted on
/dev/raid0a                                  38G        32G       3.9G  89% /
tmpfs                                        69G       7.2M        69G   0% /tmp
kernfs                                      1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /kern
ptyfs                                       1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /dev/pts
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /proc
/dev/mapper/mirror-pbulk--data               29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-data
/dev/mapper/mirror-pbulk--packages           48G        18G        28G  39% /packages
/dev/mapper/mirror-cvsroot                   36G        16G        18G  46% /cvsroot
/dev/mapper/mirror-build                     29G        11G        16G  40% /build
vidnas:/mnt/tank/netbsd/pkg/distfiles       489G        51G       437G  10% /distfiles
tmpfs                                        18G       4.0K        18G   0% /var/shm
/dev/dk0                                     36G        18G        16G  53% /bulk-scratch
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r1/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r2/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r3/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r4/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r5/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r6/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r7/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r8/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r9/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r10/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r11/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r12/proc
procfs                                      4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/master/proc
/dev/dk1                                     27G       5.8G        20G  22% /src
xs2:riz  ~> df -h -t noprocfs,nonull
Filesystem                                  Size       Used      Avail %Cap Mounted on
/dev/raid0a                                  38G        32G       3.9G  89% /
tmpfs                                        69G       7.2M        69G   0% /tmp
kernfs                                      1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /kern
ptyfs                                       1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /dev/pts
/dev/mapper/mirror-pbulk--data               29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-data
/dev/mapper/mirror-pbulk--packages           48G        18G        28G  39% /packages
/dev/mapper/mirror-cvsroot                   36G        16G        18G  46% /cvsroot
/dev/mapper/mirror-build                     29G        11G        16G  40% /build
vidnas:/mnt/tank/netbsd/pkg/distfiles       489G        51G       437G  10% /distfiles
tmpfs                                        18G       4.0K        18G   0% /var/shm
/dev/dk0                                     36G        18G        16G  53% /bulk-scratch
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r1/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r1/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r1/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r1/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r2/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r2/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r2/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r2/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r3/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r3/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r3/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r3/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r4/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r4/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r4/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r4/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r5/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r5/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r5/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r5/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r6/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r6/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r6/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r6/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r7/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r7/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r7/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r7/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r8/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r8/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r8/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r8/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r9/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r9/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r9/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r9/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r10/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r10/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r10/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r10/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r11/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r11/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r11/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r11/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/r12/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/r12/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/r12/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/r12/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/pts                                    1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /bulk-scratch/master/dev/pts
/bulk-data                                   29G       5.5G        22G  19% /bulk-scratch/master/bulk-data
/packages/x86_64                             48G        18G        28G  39% /bulk-scratch/master/bulk-data/packages
/distfiles                                  489G        51G       437G  10% /bulk-scratch/master/bulk-data/distfiles
/dev/dk1                                     27G       5.8G        20G  22% /src
/home/riz/rwsrc                              38G        32G       3.9G  89% /home/riz/src
xs2:riz  ~>
	None given.

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