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Re: lib/48478: rendering problem in nanosleep(2)

On Dec 25, 12:10am, wrote:
} >Number:         48478
} >Synopsis:       rendering problem in nanosleep(2)
} >State:          open
} >Class:          sw-bug
} >Arrival-Date:   Wed Dec 25 00:10:00 +0000 2013
} >Originator:     David A. Holland
} >Release:        NetBSD 6.99.28 (20131210)
} >Organization:
} >Environment:
} System: NetBSD valkyrie 6.99.28 NetBSD 6.99.28 (VALKYRIE) #14: Tue Dec 10 
15:15:49 EST 2013  dholland@valkyrie:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/VALKYRIE 
} Architecture: x86_64
} Machine: amd64
} >Description:
}      The nanosleep() function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (``POSIX.1'').
}      The clock_nanosleep() function conforms to.
}                                               ^^^
} The roff source contains
} The
} .Fn clock_nanosleep
} function conforms to
} .St -p1003.1j-2000 .
} but apparently this doesn't work; mandoc prints as above, and groff
} does the same except that it inserts a space before the period.

     This is fixed in mdocml 1.12.2, which hasn't been imported yet.

}-- End of excerpt from

cc: responsible person (according to 3RDPARTY)

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