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Re: bin/45619 (Allow atf tests to request a minimum amount of memory)

On 11/16/11 12:40 PM, Christos Zoulas wrote:
On Nov 16,  2:55pm, ( wrote:
-- Subject: Re: bin/45619 (Allow atf tests to request a minimum amount of mem

| Synopsis: Allow atf tests to request a minimum amount of memory
| Responsible-Changed-From-To: bin-bug-people->jmmv
| Responsible-Changed-By:
| Responsible-Changed-When: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 14:55:43 +0000
| Responsible-Changed-Why:
| I'll do this if the discussion currently in current-users@ does not turn
| the opposite direction.

I've done this already. Should I commit it?
Well, you already did.

Please don't close the PR. It has to remain open until these changes get properly integrated upstream.

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