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Re: lib/43909: getcap(3) is missing from curses(3).

On Jan 12,  2:07pm, wrote:
} >Number:         43909
} >Category:       lib
} >Synopsis:       getcap(3) is missing from curses(3).
} >Originator:     Takahiro Kambe
} >Release:        NetBSD 5.99.39
} >Description:
}       getcap(3) is described in curses(3) and <curses.h>, but there
}       is no function in libcuress.*.

     getcap(3) is a termcap related function.  Since NetBSD now uses
termlib and not termcap, the manpage and the curses.h entries should
probably just be eliminated since getcap() doesn't make any sense in
a termlib world.

}-- End of excerpt from

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