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Re: port-sparc64/30371 (ALTQ loses packets on sparc64 only)

The following reply was made to PR port-sparc64/30371; it has been noted by 

From: Miles Nordin <carton%Ivy.NET@localhost>
Subject: Re: port-sparc64/30371 (ALTQ loses packets on sparc64 only)
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 01:35:55 -0400

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
 >>>>> "m" == mrg  <> writes:
      m> is this still a problem for you?
 I'm using it on FreeBSD 6.0 and 6.2, and it is still a problem.
 On one hand, I cannot retest, so you may as well close it.
 On the other, I'd be astonished if the problem didn't still exist, so
 you might want to leave it open until someone confirms that ALTQ HFSC
 works fine with lots of active queues.  So few people seem to use
 actual link sharing that this confirmation may never happen.
 The problem I have now is that queues freeze.  not all queues, just
 one or two of the leaf queues (only leaf queues get traffic in HFSC).
 They stop getting scheduled, fill up, and then drop packets.  I work
 around it by running 'pfctl -Fq; /etc/rc.d/pf reload' in cron every
 five minutes, which is enough to unstick any queue that has become
 frozen.  It's a bad workaround because the unlucky queue still wedges
 for a while, and because 'pfctl -Fq' drops all the packets in all
 queues (and 5min is often enough that bittorrent will never
 I used to use the same cron workaround with NetBSD 3.0 before
 switching to FreeBSD because of hme problems, so i think at least 3.0
 still had the problem.  I have not tried anything NetBSD since then.
 I'm not sure why I thought it was sparc64-specific, so many years ago.
 It can be a fairly hard problem to spot.
 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (NetBSD)

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