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re: port-sparc/40629: kernel panic under high network load using pf (and ipv6)
The following reply was made to PR port-sparc/40629; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Hisashi T Fujinaka <>
Subject: re: port-sparc/40629: kernel panic under high network load using pf
(and ipv6)
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 08:09:40 -0700 (PDT)
And another!
fls# data fault: pc=0xf0237a34 addr=0xf483b000
panic: kernel fault
Begin traceback...
0x0(0x9, 0x326, 0xf483b000, 0xf482c908, 0xf482cbe4, 0xe) at 0xf0006254
0xf0006254(0xf482c9e8, 0xf483aff9, 0x0, 0x2, 0xf483aff9, 0xf482c9ef) at
pf_modulate_sack(0x1, 0x28, 0xffff9695, 0xf482c9c0, 0xf05dab00, 0xc) at
pf_test_state_tcp(0xf482cbec, 0x1, 0xf0567e00, 0x1, 0x40a4, 0x0) at
pf_test(0x1, 0xf35cc010, 0xf482cccc, 0x0, 0x6, 0x1) at
pfil4_wrapper(0x0, 0xf482cccc, 0xf3a9d408, 0x1, 0x0, 0x4) at
pfil_run_hooks(0xf05227c0, 0xf482cd84, 0xf3a9d408, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0) at
ip_input(0xf35cc010, 0x0, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf3a9f070, 0xf02c5f50) at
ipintr(0xf02c5c00, 0xa2f3, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf3a9f068, 0xf02886a0) at
softint_overlay(0x1, 0xfe029010, 0x0, 0x2, 0xf3a9f030, 0x40) at
lwp_userret(0xf477c520, 0xf00a78dc, 0xf0002000, 0x0, 0x20180ae8, 0x20437040)
at netbsd:trap+0x1c8
trap(0xfffffffe, 0xf480db60, 0x202e1190, 0xf482cfb0, 0x2040f1a0, 0x20437040)
at 0xf0006434
End traceback...
Frame pointer is at 0xf482c680
Call traceback:
pc = 0xf020c0cc args = (0x11, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf0298c00, 0xf00,
0xf482c6e8) fp = 0xf482c6e8
pc = 0xf0178bd4 args = (0x104, 0x0, 0xf02d8000, 0xf482ceb0, 0xf017891c,
0xf00, 0xf482c758) fp = 0xf482c758
pc = 0xf0213fac args = (0xf02719c8, 0xf0237a34, 0xf483b000, 0xf028c800,
0x104, 0xf0293400, 0xf482c7c8) fp = 0xf482c7c8
pc = 0xf0006254 args = (0x9, 0x326, 0xf483b000, 0xf482c908, 0xf482cbe4,
0xe, 0xf482c8a8) fp = 0xf482c8a8
pc = 0xf0058338 args = (0xf482c9e8, 0xf483aff9, 0x0, 0x2, 0xf483aff9,
0xf482c9ef, 0xf482c958) fp = 0xf482c958
pc = 0xf0060930 args = (0x1, 0x28, 0xffff9695, 0xf482c9c0, 0xf05dab00,
0xc, 0xf482c9f8) fp = 0xf482c9f8
pc = 0xf0062e64 args = (0xf482cbec, 0x1, 0xf0567e00, 0x1, 0x40a4, 0x0,
0xf482cad8) fp = 0xf482cad8
pc = 0xf0066494 args = (0x1, 0xf35cc010, 0xf482cccc, 0x0, 0x6, 0x1,
0xf482cc00) fp = 0xf482cc00
pc = 0xf01d4a9c args = (0x0, 0xf482cccc, 0xf3a9d408, 0x1, 0x0, 0x4,
0xf482cc68) fp = 0xf482cc68
pc = 0xf00129f8 args = (0xf05227c0, 0xf482cd84, 0xf3a9d408, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0,
0xf482ccd8) fp = 0xf482ccd8
pc = 0xf0013488 args = (0xf35cc010, 0x0, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf3a9f070, 0xf02c5f50,
0xf482cd40) fp = 0xf482cd40
pc = 0xf015db68 args = (0xf02c5c00, 0xa2f3, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf3a9f068,
0xf02886a0, 0xf482cda8) fp = 0xf482cda8
pc = 0xf014f868 args = (0x1, 0xfe029010, 0x0, 0x2, 0xf3a9f030, 0x40,
0xf482ce10) fp = 0xf482ce10
pc = 0xf02145e4 args = (0xf477c520, 0xf00a78dc, 0xf0002000, 0x0,
0x20180ae8, 0x20437040, 0xf482ce78) fp = 0xf482ce78
pc = 0xf0006434 args = (0xfffffffe, 0xf480db60, 0x202e1190, 0xf482cfb0,
0x2040f1a0, 0x20437040, 0xf482cf50) fp = 0xf482cf50
pc = 0x202e1178 args = (0x20402800, 0x0, 0x20000, 0x0, 0x2048e1a0, 0x1534,
0xefffd1f8) fp = 0xefffd1f8
dumping to dev 7,1 offset 377867
dump dma0: error: csr=a4400212<ERR,DRAINING=0,IEN,ENDMA,BURST=0,FASTER,ALOADED>
esp0: DMA error; resetting
sd0: async, 8-bit transfers
i/o error
sd0(esp0:0:3:0): polling command not done
panic: scsipi_execute_xs
Begin traceback...
0x0(0xf04e3f18, 0xf482c606, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4) at netbsd:sd_flush+0x84
sd_flush(0xf433d808, 0x103, 0x1, 0x41401fe4, 0x200, 0xf482c730) at
sd_shutdown(0xf433d808, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf482c730, 0xf02d4000) at
doshutdownhooks(0xf02c0000, 0x5, 0xf033a400, 0xfffff, 0xf0298c00, 0xf00) at
cpu_reboot(0x104, 0x0, 0xf02d8000, 0xf482ceb0, 0xf017891c, 0xf00) at
panic(0xf02719c8, 0xf0237a34, 0xf483b000, 0xf028c800, 0x104, 0xf0293400) at
mem_access_fault4m(0x9, 0x326, 0xf483b000, 0xf482c908, 0xf482cbe4, 0xe) at
0xf0006254(0xf482c9e8, 0xf483aff9, 0x0, 0x2, 0xf483aff9, 0xf482c9ef) at
pf_modulate_sack(0x1, 0x28, 0xffff9695, 0xf482c9c0, 0xf05dab00, 0xc) at
pf_test_state_tcp(0xf482cbec, 0x1, 0xf0567e00, 0x1, 0x40a4, 0x0) at
pf_test(0x1, 0xf35cc010, 0xf482cccc, 0x0, 0x6, 0x1) at
pfil4_wrapper(0x0, 0xf482cccc, 0xf3a9d408, 0x1, 0x0, 0x4) at
pfil_run_hooks(0xf05227c0, 0xf482cd84, 0xf3a9d408, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0) at
ip_input(0xf35cc010, 0x0, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf3a9f070, 0xf02c5f50) at
ipintr(0xf02c5c00, 0xa2f3, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf3a9f068, 0xf02886a0) at
softint_overlay(0x1, 0xfe029010, 0x0, 0x2, 0xf3a9f030, 0x40) at
lwp_userret(0xf477c520, 0xf00a78dc, 0xf0002000, 0x0, 0x20180ae8, 0x20437040)
at netbsd:trap+0x1c8
trap(0xfffffffe, 0xf480db60, 0x202e1190, 0xf482cfb0, 0x2040f1a0, 0x20437040)
at 0xf0006434
End traceback...
Frame pointer is at 0xf482c3e0
Call traceback:
pc = 0xf020c0cc args = (0x11, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf0298c00, 0xf00,
0xf482c448) fp = 0xf482c448
pc = 0xf0178bd4 args = (0x104, 0x0, 0xf02d8000, 0xf482ceb0, 0xf017891c,
0xf00, 0xf482c4b8) fp = 0xf482c4b8
pc = 0xf01f8f70 args = (0xf026a1e8, 0xf3a9d874, 0xf3a9a14c, 0xf028c800,
0x104, 0xf0293400, 0xf482c528) fp = 0xf482c528
pc = 0xf0200e50 args = (0xf04e3f18, 0xf482c606, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4,
0xf482c590) fp = 0xf482c590
pc = 0xf0201a78 args = (0xf433d808, 0x103, 0x1, 0x41401fe4, 0x200,
0xf482c730, 0xf482c618) fp = 0xf482c618
pc = 0xf015f694 args = (0xf433d808, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf482c730, 0xf02d4000,
0xf482c680) fp = 0xf482c680
pc = 0xf020bfb0 args = (0xf02c0000, 0x5, 0xf033a400, 0xfffff, 0xf0298c00,
0xf00, 0xf482c6e8) fp = 0xf482c6e8
pc = 0xf0178bd4 args = (0x104, 0x0, 0xf02d8000, 0xf482ceb0, 0xf017891c,
0xf00, 0xf482c758) fp = 0xf482c758
pc = 0xf0213fac args = (0xf02719c8, 0xf0237a34, 0xf483b000, 0xf028c800,
0x104, 0xf0293400, 0xf482c7c8) fp = 0xf482c7c8
pc = 0xf0006254 args = (0x9, 0x326, 0xf483b000, 0xf482c908, 0xf482cbe4,
0xe, 0xf482c8a8) fp = 0xf482c8a8
pc = 0xf0058338 args = (0xf482c9e8, 0xf483aff9, 0x0, 0x2, 0xf483aff9,
0xf482c9ef, 0xf482c958) fp = 0xf482c958
pc = 0xf0060930 args = (0x1, 0x28, 0xffff9695, 0xf482c9c0, 0xf05dab00,
0xc, 0xf482c9f8) fp = 0xf482c9f8
pc = 0xf0062e64 args = (0xf482cbec, 0x1, 0xf0567e00, 0x1, 0x40a4, 0x0,
0xf482cad8) fp = 0xf482cad8
pc = 0xf0066494 args = (0x1, 0xf35cc010, 0xf482cccc, 0x0, 0x6, 0x1,
0xf482cc00) fp = 0xf482cc00
pc = 0xf01d4a9c args = (0x0, 0xf482cccc, 0xf3a9d408, 0x1, 0x0, 0x4,
0xf482cc68) fp = 0xf482cc68
pc = 0xf00129f8 args = (0xf05227c0, 0xf482cd84, 0xf3a9d408, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0,
0xf482ccd8) fp = 0xf482ccd8
pc = 0xf0013488 args = (0xf35cc010, 0x0, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf3a9f070, 0xf02c5f50,
0xf482cd40) fp = 0xf482cd40
pc = 0xf015db68 args = (0xf02c5c00, 0xa2f3, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf3a9f068,
0xf02886a0, 0xf482cda8) fp = 0xf482cda8
pc = 0xf014f868 args = (0x1, 0xfe029010, 0x0, 0x2, 0xf3a9f030, 0x40,
0xf482ce10) fp = 0xf482ce10
pc = 0xf02145e4 args = (0xf477c520, 0xf00a78dc, 0xf0002000, 0x0,
0x20180ae8, 0x20437040, 0xf482ce78) fp = 0xf482ce78
pc = 0xf0006434 args = (0xfffffffe, 0xf480db60, 0x202e1190, 0xf482cfb0,
0x2040f1a0, 0x20437040, 0xf482cf50) fp = 0xf482cf50
pc = 0x202e1178 args = (0x20402800, 0x0, 0x20000, 0x0, 0x2048e1a0, 0x1534,
0xefffd1f8) fp = 0xefffd1f8
dumping to dev 7,1 offset 377867
dump device not ready
Resetting ...
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