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bin/40759: fstat issues warning "fstat: Could not find 1 symbols" with some kernel configurations

>Number:         40759
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       fstat issues warning "fstat: Could not find 1 symbols" with 
>some kernel configurations
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    bin-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Feb 26 14:40:00 +0000 2009
>Originator:     Ed Ravin
>Release:        5.0_RC2
Public Access Networks
NetBSD 5.0_RC2 NetBSD 5.0_RC2 (PANIX-XEN3U-WEB-pae) #1: Sat Feb 
21 20:25:57 EST 2009

fstat's misc.c tries to fetch 8 kernel symbols.  If any of them are not found, 
it prints the message "fstat: Could not find N symbols" where N is the number 
of symbols not found.  The symbols being searched for are:

    { .n_name = "kqueueops" },
    { .n_name = "mqops" },
    { .n_name = "pipeops" },
    { .n_name = "socketops" },
    { .n_name = "vnops" },
    { .n_name = "cryptofops" },
    { .n_name = "bpf_fileops", },
    { .n_name = "tap_fileops", },

At Panix, we have some kernels compiled without BPF, and others with 
PIPE_SOCKETPAIR.  As a result some of our kernels do not have the "bpf_fileops" 
or the "pipeops" symbols.

The warning does not cause any major problems, but it is annoying and causes 
confusion with our users.

I recommend that this warning be made optional with a command line switch or 
env variable setting, rather than outputting it by default.

build a kernel without BPF or with PIPE_SOCKETPAIR and run fstat

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