Subject: sysctl memory limits for plone?
To: None <>
From: Carl Brewer <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/17/2007 08:04:57
I'm running Plone (2.5.1) on zope on NetBSD 3.1/i386, and unless
I restart it every 24 hours, it starts to give me memory
errors, which suggests to me that it's trying to
use more memory than the kernel will let it.  I haven't
looked closely into it, so may not be right about it.  Is
there a way to tell if a process is at its limit externally?
Ie: can I, as root, tell if a process is trying to use more
memory than it's allowed?  Parse ps's output or something similar?

I think the values I need to tweak are (and their
current settings, from sysctl -a)
proc.curproc.rlimit.memoryuse.soft = 974860288
proc.curproc.rlimit.memoryuse.hard = 974860288

ie: it's limited to under a GB of RAM?
The box has 512 MB of real memory and 1 GB
of swap, can anyone suggest what a safe number would
be to bump it to?  I can pop more RAM in the box
easily enough, which may help.

Also, would I need to adjust these? :

proc.curproc.rlimit.memorylocked.soft = 324953429
proc.curproc.rlimit.memorylocked.hard = 974860288

