Subject: bin/35234: /usr/bin/file not properly identifying text files, unexpected behavior
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 12/11/2006 20:20:00
>Number: 35234
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: /usr/bin/file not properly identifying text files, unexpected behavior
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: high
>Responsible: bin-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Dec 11 20:20:00 +0000 2006
>Originator: David Howland
>Release: NetBSD 4.99.5
NetBSD micron 4.99.5 NetBSD 4.99.5 (GENERIC) #1: Wed Dec 6 11:56:19 EST 2006 root@micron:/usr/4.99/obj/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC i386
I'm running -current from -D20061204-UTC
After noticing that pkgsrc was not properly substituting in files, while giving this error message:
WARNING: [] Ignoring non-text file ./pkgmanager-0.8.1/src/run.lisp".
(the file is text)
we noticed that /usr/bin/file was not behaving as expected...
root@micron:/usr/pkg/lib/pkgmanager# file run.lisp
Apparently it should at least say SOMETHING for that file. I will include the file below.
joerg@ suggested this be PR'd
(defparameter *base-dir* ".")
(defun my-load (basename)
(let ((fas-name (format nil "~a/~a.fas" *base-dir* basename))
(lisp-name (format nil "~a/~a.lisp" *base-dir* basename)))
(if (probe-file fas-name)
(load fas-name)
(load lisp-name))))
(my-load "packages")
(my-load "pkgmgr-except")
(my-load "pkgmgr-print")
(my-load "pkgmgr-util")
(my-load "pkgmgr-pkgdb")
(my-load "pkgmanager")
(have pkgsrc-wip installed)
cd /usr/pkgsrc/wip/pkgmanager && make install
Altho, its really the file command that we care about. However, this happens to be the file (run.lisp from pkgmanager) that we are seeing problems with.
not known.